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    Why hygiene is important in business and household?

    Accumulation of mud and dust create the favourable conditions for growth of different bacteria which may at a minimum cause …

    Accumulation of mud and dust create the favourable conditions for growth of different bacteria which may at a minimum cause allergies.

    The hygiene has a great …

    Accumulation of mud and dust create the favourable conditions for growth of different bacteria which may at a minimum cause allergies.

    The hygiene has a great importance for every house.

    This not only makes the premises comfortable and inviting but also improves the health of the people living in it.

    Industrial and home cleaning helps to remove dust, humidify air and fight against pathogenic germs.

    It is especially actual today in coronavirus pandemic as for healthy person it is enough to touch the infected surface to get the virus.

    Therefore, to feel safe at home and work it is better to maintain the premise hygiene.


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